MULTAN: Transmission and distribution (T&D) losses are a major cause in the energy sector as losses in Pakistan are much higher than globally, ranging from 9.5 percent to 35.1 percent across companies. However, T&D line losses at Multan Electric Power Company (MAPCO) declined by 0.9% to 14.9% in the first quarter of 2024-25.
Line Losses and Pilferage
Line Losses
Line losses and their role in the power distribution system. There are technical losses (natural loss in transmission) and non-technical losses (due to theft or illegal connection). Line losses mean electrical losses between the power station and people. While some of the losses are technical and unavoidable, a significant problem is due to non-technical factors such as electricity theft.
Pilferage Problem
Background on the scale of the electricity theft problem in areas served by MEPCO and how it has historically contributed to line losses. In MEPCO areas, non-technical losses, illegal connections, and meter Tampering have resulted in financial losses and unreliable power supply for legal consumers, and, in addition, power theft has been a major problem.
MEPCO Operations Against Pilferages
MEPCO launched a series of operations to target areas with high theft rates, including advanced technology, special task forces, and legal measures. Against increasing line losses, MEPCO launched a strong anti-theft campaign. Operations included raids, meter testing, and using smart meters and other technologies to detect illegal connections and meter tampering. MEPCO also collaborated with local law enforcement agencies to prosecute criminals for the same. In time to act, hundreds of cases have been filed against people and businesses involved in power theft.
Benefits to customers
Reduced theft and losses have resulted in a more reliable supply of electricity to honest people, thus fewer power outages and voltage fluctuations. Illegal connections put pressure on the system, and consumers are now fewer With load shedding and low voltage issues, benefit from a good stable power supply. Reduced losses and theft lead to more accurate billing. As line losses are reduced, the load on MEPCO is reduced. , which could ultimately translate into fairer billing practices and potentially lower electricity costs for consumers.
This article provides detailed information on MEPCO’s anti-theft operations with a focus on better outcomes for the company and customers. It highlights the wide-ranging impact of reducing line losses, improving revenue, and delivering electricity with greater reliability, and acknowledges ongoing efforts to sustain these benefits.