Electricity Bill

Electricity Bill

Welcome to (ebillpk.com) Here you can check your electricity bills Our site converts all your bills into a single platform for example, MEPCO bill, HESCO bill, TESCO bill, IESCO bill, PESCO bill, LESCO bill, SEPCO bill, GEPCO bill, QESCO bill, etc. Check all your bills online from the convenience of our website

Electricity Bill

Electricity Bill Payment Method

Make it easier to pay your electricity bill through different payment methods. You can make online payments through mobile apps, or internet banking. Alternatively, go to a nearby bank branch, ATM, or direct payment center to settle your bill. You can make payment of your electricity bill easily by using mobile or other payment services. Use the method that works for you and make sure you pay your bills.

Electricity Bill Download 

You will have to copy your electricity bill. Download your electricity bill easily from our website. Just log in to your account, select your monthly bill, and click on download. Your bill will be saved in the form of a page, so you can view, print, or save your record. Alternatively, you can either receive your bill via email or receive a physical copy from our office. When can I access my bill, when can I access it?

Electricity Bill Check 

Whenever you check your bill, you check it. To view your current and past bills, visit our website or mobile app. Enter your account number or user account number to access your bill, including payment dates and due dates. You can also check under whose account payment or notice you are paying. Be aware of your bill and pay on time to avoid late fees.

View Bill

You can access your bill through your utility provider’s online portal or app or check the physical copy to see if you have received a bill. The bill will include details such as your energy consumption, tariff information, any additional charges, and the total amount payable. Make sure you review all sections carefully to ensure correctness and note the payment due date to avoid late fees.


In conclusion, our website (ebillpk.com) has become a centralized platform for monitoring electricity bills. You can easily view and download your bills using various forms, including MEPCO, TESCO, HESCO, etc. The modified methods of payment include benefits, unlimited online Adaigi mobile apps, and more. Check your usage, and avoid late fees. Our platform simplifies this process, making it easy to access and manage your electricity bills in one place. Visit our website today and experience a hassle-free bill management system.


Who is the protected consumer in the electricity bill?

Households that use electricity up to 200 units. Lifeline users (1-100 units per month) are included in this list. There is no increase in the basic tariff and there are no monthly fuel charges for Lifeline customers.

How electricity bill is calculated in Pakistan?

While calculating the monthly unit consumption of a household, the meter shows the recorded reading of the previous month along with the reading of the current month. Most of the utility bills in Pakistan may be higher than last month.

How to calculate 1 unit?

If a 100-watt bulb is left on for 10 hours, it will use the following amount of energy: 100 x 10 = 1000-watt-hours = 1 kilowatt-hour (kWh) = 1 unit (kWh meter).

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