DMCA Notice respects the intellectual property rights of others. In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), we have procedures for receiving written notifications of claimed infringements.

Filing a DMCA Notice

If you believe your copyrighted work is on our site in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please provide our DMCA Agent with:

  1. Description of the copyrighted work.
  2. Location of the infringing material on our site.
  3. Your contact information.
  4. A statement of good faith belief that the use is unauthorized.
  5. A statement of accuracy under penalty of perjury.
  6. Your physical or electronic signature.

Send the notice to:

MCA Agent
Punjab, Pkaistan
+92 328 4710241


If you believe material was removed by mistake, you may file a counter-notification with similar information, including:

  1. Description of the removed material and its location before removal.
  2. A statement of good faith belief that the material was removed by mistake.
  3. Your contact information.
  4. Consent to jurisdiction.
  5. Your physical or electronic signature.

Repeat Infringers

We may terminate users who are repeat infringers at our discretion. For more details, visit page provides a general overview of the DMCA notice and counter-notice process. For detailed legal advice, consult an attorney.

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